April 09, 2010 by Simon Hausmann | Comments
This week's digest of the trunk changes is a mixture between features and bug fixes:
on top of the JSC C API (36650).QGraphicsWebView
that prevented the input method panel from showing up (35259). He also fixed a crash when input methods provided formatted text (36870).QTWEBKIT_VERSION
define to make it possible for application to detect the QtWebKit version (36538).QWebFrame::setScrollbarPolicy
(29431).The vast majority of these changes plus more fixes have also been cherry-picked into the 2.0 release branch, 46 bug fixes in total since week 12.
This week's weekly build also just finished and you can find it in the usual location in the wiki: http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/QtWebKitJournal#WeeklyBuildWeek14
Next week a bunch of us will be at the WebKit contributor's conference, so it's likely that there won't be a weekly build and summary next week.
Download the latest release here: www.qt.io/download.
Qt 6.8 release focuses on technology trends like spatial computing & XR, complex data visualization in 2D & 3D, and ARM-based development for desktop.
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