March 19, 2010 by Simon Hausmann | Comments
In this week the main focus has been on cleaning up Bugzilla. We formally spend Tuesday and Wednesday on triaging bugs, but even the days before and afterwards the cleanup continued. We started out on Tuesday morning with about 180 bugs and now we're down to 10-20. Check out our bugs wiki page with links to filters, instructions on bug reporting and triaging:
In addition we kept the Subversion server busy with a fair amount of fixes. I extracted the following highlights:
to cache the contents of the rendered page in tiles that are updated dynamically (35146, 36121, 36102).QWebView::setPage
(36137).There is no weekly build yet, but it'll show up in the usual location in the coming days.
Download the latest release here:
Qt 6.8 release focuses on technology trends like spatial computing & XR, complex data visualization in 2D & 3D, and ARM-based development for desktop.
Check out all our open positions here and follow us on Instagram to see what it's like to be #QtPeople.
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