If you´ve been using Qt for awhile, you´ve probably noticed our tradition where the Qt Release Manager Jason posts a blog with each release – you´ll find some great examples on Qt Labs. This has become quite ingrained in our release process, to the point that we claim that the release isn´t truly out until the Release Manager blogs about it.
If you´ve been following our more recent Qt releases, you may have also noticed that we´ve gotten into the habit of creating a (somewhat goofy) video providing an overview of the new features in the release in a (hopefully) humourous way. The Qt 4.7 and Qt Creator 2.0 Technology Previews are out today, and these releases are no exception, as you´ll see below.
Even though it may seem that way, it´s not all serious business when we shoot our launch videos. Our Program Manager Volker and Product Manager Henry had a great time "on set" – check out the evidence in a short blooper reel below.
With the videos published, I think we can now safely say that the tech previews are out. We hope you enjoy them.