Several of the Trolls are right now in Manaus (Brasil) at the Bossa Conference 2010 and we're having a great time. The conference is hosted by INDt here in Brasil, and the topics covering Qt directly are:
- QtWebkit
- Next generation widgets, and
- Shipping Qt apps on Symbian
but there are also talks about KDE, Ubuntu, Maemo etc.
In my talk I'm explaining how to go from nothing to having your own Qt app on the Ovi Store. So for that purpose I created a little app wich is a "mobilized" touch version of our old Tetrix example. See image below. It's not fantastic in any way, but I thought it might be interesting for some to install it on their phone and try it out.
There are two ways of getting this app on your phone: Method 1: (recommended)
- Install Qt 4.6.2 (Symbian)
- Install BossaTetrix (normal version)
Method 2: (experimental)
- Install BossaTetrix (Smart Installer version)
Note: Version 2 is not stable and I've had limited success with it. The Nokia Smart Installer is still in beta! - so if you just want something that works, go for Method 1. |
My current highscore is Score: 529 Level: 2. Post your score as a comment :D
Oh and btw, my app is not in the OVI store yet- As I said, the Nokia Smart Installer is still in beta and the OVI site still needs some changes before Qt apps can be uploaded, but we're one step closer, and I now basically know the whole complete process involved.
Twitter feed about the conference here.