This week (9) in QtWebKit trunk March 05, 2010 by Simon Hausmann | Comments It's been a more quiet week. Here are the highlights: Robert implemented support for private browsing in PluginViewQt (33180). Jedrzej continued upstreaming QtScript API and bug fixing in it (34843, 34850, 35387). Andreas hooked up QNetworkReplyHandler to Qt 4.7's support for the HTTP OPTION verb (34647). Jarkko, Nicholas, Kim and Noam fixed various bugs in the MediaElement backend, the accelerated compositing support and WebGL to Qt mapping. Diego continued improving layout test coverave with the Qt DRT (35694, 35255). Holger tweaked performance by avoiding unnecessary calls to QFont::detach (35569). Jocelyn and Tor Arne fixes various issues with the build system (forwarding headers, shadow builds without build-webkit but only qmake) In addtion we have now a weekly build and we've started another round of API review. Blog Topics: WebKit Comments