I'm late this week, sorry :)
- Diego continued implementing missing Qt DRT functionality (34418).
- Andreas fixed the themeing code to always use the windows style on Maemo 5 (34376).
- Noam added an FPS counter to QGVLauncher (34450).
- Andreas fixed a bug with escaping HTML tags with JavaScript alerts/notifications (34429).
- Noam continued optimizing QGraphicsLayerQt for smoother animations (34062).
- Ossy fixed support for pixel tests in the Qt DRT (27813).
- Jedrzej continued the QtScript implementation (34533).
- Ariya improved painting performance by eliminating unnecessary calls to the QBrush constructor (34559).
- Tor Arne used his mighty qmake skillz to generate convenience classname include header files during the build.
- Kenneth implemented frame set flattening with nice layout test coverage (32717). That's a feature that helps with small screen web browsing, where scrollbars from frames get into the way most of the time.
- Kenneth also merged the QGraphicsView based QGVLauncher into WebKitTools/QtLauncher. You can run the launcher with "-graphicsbased" for it to use QGraphicsWebView.
P.S.: From the feedback I'm getting, I have the impression that some people find these summaries useful to get an idea of what's going on in WebKit development. That's my goal, improving visibility. If you have suggestions for a better location, i.e. me not using this web log to post a digest of a change log, please don't hesitate to make suggestions :). If the majority of readers prefer these summaries via one of the existing mailing lists or a wiki page, then let me know.