Recently, Qt Declarative for Qt 4.6.0 got released. We got a lot of requests for Maemo 5 support (well - some people just wanted to play the SameGame on their N900 ;) ). And voilà - declarative hit Maemo's extras-devel repository. Obligatory screenshot:

Currently, the following packages are available:
- libqt4-maemo5-declarative: The QtDeclarative library
- libqt4-maemo5-declarative-dev: The development package, contains the headers for QtDeclarative
- libqt4-maemo5-declarative-dbg: The debugging symbols, for more meaningful backtraces
- qt4-maemo5-declarative-qmlviewer: The "player" for QML based apps
- qt4-maemo5-samegame: The SameGame demo
To just get the SameGame, all you need to do is
apt-get install qt4-maemo5-samegame
(provided that you enabled the extras-devel repository). And the neatest thing - with the N900's text editor, you can program your own QML applications directly on the phone. Launch them from the xterm with /opt/qt4-maemo5/bin/qmlviewer ./myapp.qml
No need to stop hacking just because space is too constraint to get out your laptop :)
Obligatory note: Qt 4 for Maemo 5 is still in tech preview status, reports about molten N900s will be met with a compassionate "Told you".