Do you enjoy finding (and squashing) bugs? If so, today´s announcement that the Qt Bug Tracker is now open to the public should get you eagerly firing up your debugger.
The Qt source code has been open on for a few months now, and through the Qt Contribution Model Qt users have contributed over 400 commits to the Qt repositories. A great start indeed, but we wanted to extend this openness and collaboration to the realm of bugs and issue tracking. Hence the new Qt Bug Tracker.
Use the same bug tracking system used by Qt developers
The Qt Bug Tracker provides a totally open forum for creating, discussing and fixing bugs in Qt. All the features you´d expect in an online bug tracking system are there: creating a new account, entering new bug reports, tracking the progress of fixes, filters, the works. What the Qt Bug Tracker adds is the direct, one-to-one collaboration with other Qt developers (including the Qt development team here at Nokia) on fixing the bugs most important to you. The Qt Bug Tracker isn´t simply a read-only view into the bug tracking system used by Qt developers, it is the bug tracking system used by Qt developers. Discuss bugs and fixes with other developers, vote on the bugs most important to you and be a part of the solution to the issues critical to your project
Start Squashing
If you want to really get your hands dirty with some serious bug squashing, you can contribute bugfixes (and hopefully autotests) using the Qt Contribution Model and By contributing your code to Qt, you can ensure that all other Qt developers can realize the benefit of your bug-squashing efforts in future Qt release.
So what are you waiting for? Fire up your browser, register for a Bug Tracker account and start squashing.