Maemo Summit 2009

We are back from our trip to beautiful Amsterdam. Our days were packed with talking and listening during the summit, most of us can safely claim to not have seen much of the city.

The audience at the summit was quite large, 400 attendees gathered at Westergasfabriek - a great venue for an event like this - to learn more about Maemo development. Big news on Friday was our port of Qt 4.6 to Maemo 5 which was announced right before the conference opening, and the fact that Nokia lent out one of 300 shiny brand new N900 pre-production devices to everybody except employees and subcontractors. Yes, we are still green with envy.

The conference schedule had a lot of Qt related presentations, both on Friday, the official Nokia organized day, and Saturday and Sunday which were Community Days: it shows nicely how we qtify Maemo.

Of course, we took the opportunity to give presentations about Qt development as well. Ariya showed Qt's cross-platform capabilities and his fancy demos, Thorbjørn assisted Ville in his talk and presented Qt Creator, Kenneth from INdT talked about the current status of Qt's WebKit integration and Alex introduced the crowd to the Qt Mobility project.

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera so I don't have any useable photos. But if you head over to flickr, you will find some that should give you a general impression. And as soon as I have collected all the slides, I will upload them for your information.

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