September 15, 2009 by Kristian Amlie | Comments
Many people have expressed some confusion over the the S60 port of Qt and where to find the relevant branches, so I thought I'd give a little update on where things are happening:
When the port was still young, it lived in the qt-s60 repository on gitorious. Here, both the master branch and feature branches coexisted happily. This however changed when the S60 port was merged back into the 4.6 branch of Qt. After this the master branch in the qt-s60 repository became abandoned.
Since this branch will not be used for development anymore, I deleted it today. This does not mean that the repository is dead though. The Qt for S60 developers still use the repository to develop feature branches, and we will continue doing this in the near future. When they are done, they will be merged back to a branch in the Qt repository (like 4.6, 4.7 or master). So unless you want to track a specific feature branch of interest to you, all the relevant S60 development happens in qt/master.
So what about contributions? After the merge of the S60 port, the rule is simple: Submit all merge requests to the Qt repository, even if the request is based on code found only in the qt-s60 repository. This is easier for you (one single place to submit to) and for us (one single place to monitor).
A couple of other notes on contributions related to S60 code:
Window > Preferences... > C/C++ > Code Style
and import the file you just downloaded.Download the latest release here:
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