Scope up!
We are looking for good developers, QA people and technical writers who would like to work for Qt Software, aka Qt R&D in Nokia. All our offices have open positions. (redirects to our job portal).
The Brisbane, Berlin and Oslo offices all have ads out looking for Software Engineers who would like to be a Troll, as part of Qt. As sculpturs are required to show their portfolio of er... statues...?, we require all developer candidates to submit source code together with their application. Show us your code!
You can become an active contributor to WebKit, or work on tuning innerloops in our graphics systems, perhaps interface against native I/O and network system calls, contruct new architectures and APIs, you name it. Qt covers must subjects and you can choose to work on the area that interests you the most. Our team has developers from all over the world, covering all kinds of specializations within software development.
Qt R&D has a quite flat organizational structure, with flexible work hours and several benefits that help ease your day-to-day life. Trolltech was a company founded by developers. We're still the same people. We develop code the way developers want to work. Our development model allows great freedom to each developer.
We need your brain, your crazy ideas, your doc writing skills, your thoroughness and attention to detail, your sense of humor ;-).
So, have you ever thought about working on Qt? Well, what'ya waiting for?!