A French tutorial for “Mignon 4.5″

If you want to learn Qt, and French is your favourite language, we have good news for you: the main Qt tutorial for Qt 4.5 is now available with French explanation. Pierre and I have translated the tutorial with the help of Kavindra and David and we have successfully got everything to work (encoding problems are more easily solved in Qt than on the Web...)

If French is your mother tongue, you will be happy to learn that there is a lot of resources available in the French Qt community. One very active community is http://qt.developpez.com/, who have translated the complete Qt tutorial. They have a forum, many original articles and new translations coming soon. Also, there is another community, QtFr, with tons of articles and an active forum.

Si vous voulez apprendre Qt et que le français est votre langue préférée, nous avons une bonne nouvelle pour vous: le tutoriel de Qt 4.5 est maintenant disponible avec les explications en français. Pierre et moi avons traduit le tutorial avec l'aide de Kavindra et de David et nous avons réussi à tout faire fonctionner (les problèmes d'encodage sont plus facile à résoudre dans Qt que sur le web...).

Si le français est votre langue maternelle, vous serez heureux d'apprendre qu'il y a énormément d'aide disponible dans la communauté francophone. Une communauté très active est sur http://qt.developpez.com/, ils ont entièrement traduit le tutoriel Qt. Ils ont aussi un forum, tout plein d'articles originaux et de nouvelles traductions sont attendues prochainement. Sans oublier la communauté QtFr qui propose des tonnes d'articles et un forum.

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Henrik Hartz
0 points
192 months ago

Congrats on going public! Great work!!

0 points
192 months ago

Great news!

Will you keep us posted when it will become possible to compile apps to run on an actual device?
Testing all things in emulator is good, but often a real device testing is needed.

Anyway, hurray! :)

0 points
192 months ago

Congratulations. It's nice to see Qt becoming relevant for Nokia devices. I hope we soon see the S60 SDK ported to Linux. (Right now it only runs on WIndows).

0 points
192 months ago

...fantastic! :)

Liang Qi
0 points
192 months ago

Just wrote an article to introduce "Build Qt with S60 5.0 Public SDK":

0 points
192 months ago

Was wondering if this release is a true integration with the S60 OS. For instance what happens when the phone rings while your application is up.

What are the plans for a complete S60 integration. Will there be one unified API or will it be a mix of Qt and Symbian C++.

Are there plans to support Linux phones, I hope so as there a lot more Linux developers then Symbian.

What does the Symbian OS even look like, DOS ? UNIX ?